Monday, August 20, 2012

Right. So we're moving into the new house next month - and we've so much planning to do! Unfortunately, we have found lately that Robert and I, shockingly, do not share the same taste in home decor. Really, was I that surprised to find that he doesn't like neon orange, or floral prints, or decoupaged kittens? That he'd make a face when I but a vintage quilt on our GIANT MANLY bed? Was I angry that he took down my awesome sombrero from the wall?

Yes, yes I was. I was shocked and appalled. We've lived together for almost a year now, but our teeny weeny rental house never really got decorated, partly because our landlord is so strict. No painting or anything, and this always felt like a temporary house to me, so we never really put a lot of thought into it. We've obviously run across some areas where we differ GREATLY in decorating - Robert prefers large, manly furniture. Ugly and masculine are his type, I think, and while it's awesome that he gets so much furniture from his customers for free, our house is now full of random, used, mismatched bachelor pad furniture (with the odd cute thrift store find of mine thrown in).

But this new house is going to be AWESOME, and I don't care if we have a giant meltdown in the Lowe's paint aisle, we WILL agree on paint colors and  what pictures to hang up and where. It's never going to be exactly how I would have it if I was single, but the same goes for him. But that's kind of the point, I think - it'll be even better, because it's our house.

Today we (I mean, Robert and three guys from work...) are moving the brand-spankin' new (to us anyways) pool table into the house. The house has a separate dining room, in between the kitchen and the living room, and we definitely don't need it. We'll probably put a table and chairs in the kitchen (it will fill perfectly, although I am going to get a new table eventually), but even then, I'm sure we'll eat our meals in the couch in front of the tv anyways. So the "dining room" is now going to be the pool table and bar room - I'm planning on putting some bar stools/ misc other seating in there where people can sit at the bar (that Robert intends to build, big plans!) and play pool and hang out and generally be cool and hip and all that jazz. Ha! How very sophisticated of us.

We're going to paint a wall in the kitchen with chalkboard paint so we can write recipes and lists and Robert will probably draw all over it. I want to continue the mushroom theme I've got going on in our current kitchen and get some more cute vintage-y mushroom decor. Which Robert hates, which I should PROBABLY take into account because if someone's in the kitchen, 99% of the time it's Robert, cooking us some delicious food. And the other 1% is me, standing there talking to him while he cooks, or going to the fridge for a beer. So. Maybe he should get to do what he wants in there...

Anyways, I should probably go clean my current kitchen (it's funny that I can't stop thinking about the new house, I'm basically just done with the current one. It's like, why clean this kitchen when I could be thinking about decorating the new one?!) aaaand, flip this record. One bad thing about vinyl...

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